Topic: forum

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JamesCloft | 14/06/2018

"Even without losing Steve, we felt like the tight ends were going to take on a bigger and bigger role," Harbaugh said. "I think that's going to happen either way."

GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) 锟?A defensive penalty is called just before the quarterback snaps the ball.
"It wasn't something that was really high on my priority list when I was younger," he said. "But here, for us to be able to have great team success, it requires wide receivers to do some blocking. For us to be able to have the success that I know we're capable of, guys have to do some things that maybe they weren't good at before."
Panthers director of security Lance Emory said Tuesday the protesters got into the game with tickets purchased through NFL Ticket Exchange.
In a sense, though, all those jobs are one and the same.


Светлана Тимцова | 12/06/2018

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